O2 West Services
- Total Body Conditioning - Challenge all your muscles from top to bottom. Improve technique, form and shape and meet the daily requirements of an active lifestyle.
- Active Exercise Rehabilitation - ICBC motor vehicle accidents, sports related injuries, body and posture alignment, range of motion, stretch and strengthen. Medication may help but avoiding the real solution doesn’t. Give your body the active exercise it needs to recover.
- Youth Fitness - Start your life right, improve fitness, minimize and reduce weight issues and health problems significantly to adult years! Youth Fit Camp available. Read On.
- Corporate Fitness - Standout from your industry. A fit employee is a productive, disciplined and energetic employee. We also offer consultation to design fitness facilities, management and staff training.w
- Sport-Specific Training - Gain the edge and lead the game! Stop wasting precious time training ineffectively! The solution for you is to TRAIN SMART to optimize athletic conditioning.
- Elite Athlete Conditioning - Sports coaches focus on skills and drill, we conditioning the athlete for injury prevention and to extend well-beyond performance thresholds. We break down each sport to its basic elements, and our programs target specifically towards the particular movements, power/strength/endurance requirements and metabolic energy requirements for your particular sport.
- Senior Conditioning - You don’t have to accept an ‘aging’ body as a way of life. Do something about it to stay mobile and independent for life.
- Body Sculpting Specialist - Athletic doesn’t mean aesthetic. By training specifically, you can always look your best even if you are born with compromised genetics.
- Body Composition Rebalance - You pay a high price for having excess. Keep body fat and muscles in balance for an active lifestyle.
- Cardio Conditioning - Stop wasting countless hours doing random cardio training. Get more done in least time
- Pre-wedding transformation - So exercise has never been your forte. Shed those inches on a timeline, and look your best on the BIG DAY. Oh, even for the whole wedding party !
- Special Event Training - For any upcoming events like movie premiere, concerts, exercise demonstrations to training sporting goods store staff. Fitness possibilities limited only by your imagination.
- Group CrossFit Circuit (all levels) - CrossFit is sweeping North America as we speak as the chosen strength & conditioning program for many including police, fire, and military special operations. Top elite athletes are also excelling their sport performance to the highest potential and levels we see today.O2’s unique group classes are designed to meet all fitness levels in ONE class. Unlike aimless ‘boot-camp’ or ordinary circuit classes, individual results are measurable and can be compared.
Taught by professional and passionate trainers. Guaranteed fun, challenging and results driven for all levels. Join us at CrossFit Group Circuit Tues 8-9pm, Thurs 8-9pm, Sat 10-11am. For more info, email info@o2west.com. - Group TeenFit / YouthFit (7-18yrs old) - O2’s TeenFit / YouthFit group circuit is designed from CrossFit using scientific proven methods for any age and fitness level from beginners to Olympic-level athletes. This is not ‘boot camp’ and non-intimidating. We encourage fun, safe and the most effective exercise training. We help you make the team.
Taught by professional and passionate trainers. Our Youth programs give you an extra edge bringing you to a higher level! Stronger, faster and better! TeenFit (13-18yrs) Tues 8-9pm, Thurs 8-9pm, Sat 10-11am. YouthFit (7-12yrs old) Please call for YouthFit class schedule or private sessions. Package rates available. For more info, For more info, email info@o2west.com. - Yoga: Adult and Youths (8-18yrs old) - Great for flexibility and circulation and more. It is also the most ideal way to relieve stress and BALANCE your high-intensity weekly workouts. Taught by enthusiastic, knowledgeable yoga instructors sensitive to your wellness and needs. Learn new and interesting things every week. Hatha and Flow Yoga: Mon and Wed 6:30-7:30pm (All Levels). Individual and parent/child package rates available. Email info@o2west.com for free tryout and more info.
- Private Group & Family Training - Get fit together in Vancouver's only private family fitness training session. These days, children are overwhelmed with school and parents are busy with work and scheduling. The result is a lot of stress amongst the family. We offer the only structured training program which effectively trains families at each individual's own pace and fitness level. Our programs alleviate stress and improve your health at the same time. It’s guaranteed a fun and positive experience for the whole family! Limited slots available.

"Total Body Conditioning"

"Senior Conditioning"


"Private Family Training"

"TeenFit / YouthFit"