O2 West News

A huge plus plus. An example is the best cross-country skiers need to be small individuals. Simple math tells us that when cross-country skiers race at the 22 km per hour World Cup pace, a 100 kg individual will naturally use up much more energy than a 60 kg individual. Because cross-country skiing is an endurance event, it would be genetically difficult for the 100 kg athlete to win, no matter how hard he trains and works. His physique doesn’t favor this sport.

- 1. Climate. Does your weather support your sport? Hockey and skiing are dominated by athletes who live under colder climates. Athletes from the tropics have no ice rinks to practice their craft.
- 2. Supportive parents. So important. Behind most athletes, parents allow and encourage their kids to train (‘play’) instead of only focusing on academic studies.
- 3. Monetary means. Everything adds up. Endorsements don’t come until an athlete is ‘famous’ so most are family-supported through their amateur years. Curling can be the least costly at only $1,000 a year but you also have to live near a frozen lake many months in a year.

Athletes train hard to build confidence and character. They keep going, press on and persist to follow their dreams. Athletes must stay focused on their goals and not give up easily. Sometimes they struggle against lack of support, injuries or physical limitations. Attitudes can limit athletes too, whether it is someone else's negative attitude or one's own.
BTW, let’s not forget luck. Athletes don’t rely on luck so they train hard repetitively for consistency. However, luck usually prevails. Our appreciation should not be focused only towards the winner, but to all our Olympic athletes for braving against all odds. Well done. Bravo!